$VER: DeliTracker-History.eng V2.27 (15.09.1996) Copyright 1992-1996 by Delirium Softdesign (Peter Kunath and Frank Riffel) V2.27 Fixed a slight bug in the TFMX-Pro player. Added NotePlayer support to MusicMaker. The ScreamTracker3 player was rewritten from scratch. Improved DDMF, ImpulseTracker, FastTracker2, TakeTracker and TFMX1.5. Adapted new players for PolyTracker, THX and Amos. Improved the Converter genie. Fixed a bug in the ProTracker duration calculation. The install script now uses UNLZX. V2.26 Fixed a bug in the Paula-NotePlayer. Improved FredMon, DigiBooster and MarkII players. The FutureComposer1.3 player was replaced with a converter. Added Soundfactory player. V2.25 Fixed division by zero bug in ScreamTracker player. Added DMA-Wait to IFF-SMUS player. Now the TFMX player supports the 'TFHD' one file format. Improved check routine of the VectorDean player. Introduced new players for ImpulseTracker and X-Tracker (DDMF) modules. Improved Converter and LightOrgan genie. Added FFTScope genie to distribution. V2.24 Fixed several bugs in DIGIBooster, ScreamTracker and FastTracker2. The IFF-SMUS player now features a GUI. V2.23 Fixed incorrect tooltype-names in the docs. Removed a bug in the portamento effect of the ProTracker player. The memory usage of the DIGIBooster player was reduced by 200k. V2.22 StoneTracker and DIGIBooster players have been added. The ProTracker player now supports subsongs. Improved the SoundFX, TakeTracker and VectorDean players. Fixed a bug in AllocListData(). LevelMeter released. V2.21 Fixed a bug that caused an enforcer hit in the CLI parse routine. V2.20 The mainwindow can now be opend in zoomed state. V2.19 Fixed a bug in the routine which chooses the appropriate NotePlayer. Corrected a wrong TagID. Removed some bugs in the Hippel-COSO and ScreamTracker 3.0 players. V2.18 Added a new ToolType/CLI option that enables you to quit DeliTracker with the closegadget. Improved ScreamTracker und FastTracker2 players. Slight changes in the 14Bit-NotePlayer. V2.17 The DSS player is now based on the 3.0a sources, the last released version before GVP died. NotePlayer support was also added. The VectorDean player was improved. Rewritten the S3M and XM players. Updated the french docs. V2.16 NotePlayers can now be forced. Written a player for AIFF samples. The ModuleInfo was improved, it can handle alot of formats now. Fixed minor bugs in TFMX, MED/OctaMED, TakeTracker, IFF-8SVX and DataType. The RIFF-WAV player can now handle 16bit samples. V2.15 Another bug in the NotePlayer-Interface was fixed. Improved several players. Added NotePlayer support to the SoundFX and Whittaker players. ModuleInfo-genie rewritten and improved, this includes support for non-ProTracker modules. Speeded up the DeliMix routines. All mixing NotePlayers are about 15% faster now. This release includes french docs. Changed the Installer script to support this language. V2.14 Fixed a minor bug in DeliTracker's NotePlayer-Interface routines. Adapted many new players: FastTracker2, LME, PSA, TimFollin, SCUMM, RobHubbard2, Hippel_7V, JasonPage and SoundControl. The Hippel-COSO player supports the noteplayer interface. The MED/OctaMED DeliPlayers are now based on the OctaMED V6 replay routines. The EarAche player replaces the Grouleff player. Improved the spectral resolution of the FFTAnalyzer. Now it uses a highly optimized 504-point-FFT which is almost as fast as the old 128-point FFT. The 14Bit-NotePlayer can now be calibriated. V2.13 The mayority of all genies was improved. The 4Voice-NotePlayer and the 8Voice-NotePlayer now provide better soundquality. Some minor things in QuadraScope, QuadraScope+, MonoScope, StereoScope, LightOrgan and the DrWhoGenie where fixed. A player for ArtOfNoise modules and one supporting the datatype.library were added. A brand new TFMX player replaces the old TFMX-Pro and TFMX_7V players. This player supports the NotePlayer interface, too. Fixed some bugs in the QuadraComposer and the MED/OctaMED players. Fixes a nasty lowmem problem in DeliTracker which could make trouble on 3.x machines. Added auto-boost calculation in several NotePlayers. Now the correct error requester shows up when an loading/saving of a module list fails. V2.12 Fixed a bug in the Decruncher genie. New player for DigitalMugician modules. Tried to write a DeliPlayer that uses the Sound-DataTypes for playing. Unfortunately this is quite impossible due to massive bugs and missing features of the sound.datatype. Installer script now supports DeliAY installation. V2.11 Improved the Arexx functions showgui/hidegui. Added a missing Comment routine. Speeded up the 68000 code of the 4Voice-NotePlayer. The Converter genie supports now MED songs. New Deli-Wizard version, handles 51 formats now. Fixed a bug in the NotePlayer Interface that caused sometimes a 'division by zero' guru. V2.10 The FFT Analyzer now shows the sound level dB(A) weighed. New DeliWizard that supports now 50(!) different formats. Menu bug in DeliSID and QuadrascopePlus fixed. Player/Genie ARexx functions now take the name as argument as reference. The old player and genie numbers are no longer used (e.g status m pnr was replaced with status m pna)! The example ARexx scripts were updated. The ST-NT-PT_Song player is now realized as converter. A new convert genie for non ProTracker modules was introduced. This renders the GraveComposer Player obsolete. In one case the ProTracker player trashed the last character of the module name. This is fixed. Enhanced the IFF-8SVX, RIFF-WAV and FutureComposer_1.4 players. DrWhoGenie released. V2.09x This is a special edition for christmas '94. You will find a nice Xmas-Genie in the Bonus/ directory. A new Deli-Wizard is also included. This made some players obsolete. The SonicArranger player now supports the NotePlayer-Interface. V2.09 Rearranged startup-code and made some other internal changes. Finally got the OK from Ron and Hakan to include the DeliSID PlaySID player. Added Headphone-Noteplayer. The FTM player and some NotePlayers produced a 'click' noise when the module was started or stopped. This is now fixed. Removed a bug in the DeliMix Routines. Fixed an alignment bug in the IFF-8SVX and RIFF-WAV players. The error-requester of the SetComment routine now works okay. DeliTracker disabled the Audio-DMA even if a NotePlayer was used, this is fixed. The DeliS3M player was rewritten. V2.08 Fixed Tooltype parsing. Fixed rexx command 'status g gui'. Fixed a harmless bug in the installer script. Added support for 8 unsigned bit samples to the Quadrascope; now you can watch the first four waveforms of S3M modules. Some minor changes concerning the internal handling of NotePlayer interrupts. Added GraveComposer Player. Revised documentation. Improved 32Voices-NotePlayerPlus. V2.07 Renamed 'Load Module' to 'Open' thus we where forced to change two menu shortcuts. Improved fadeout feature. Now you can select time for fadeing out. Addapted support for the NotePlayer-Interface to MED and both Future Composer players. All NotePlayer-Genies that perform mixing will now step down the mix frequency if the processor is to slow for the selected rate. Fixed volume bug in the FTM player. V2.06 Added 'Prefix' and 'Low Chipmem' options. Redesigned options window to make room for new switches. Added PlaySID, S3M and TakeTracker players. Reduced priority of all Genies from -5 to -25. This is to avoid problems with stupid scsi/cdrom driver software that uses a task with priority -20 to recognize diskchange. Not released. V2.05 Changed NotePlayer interface. Modules can now be loaded to FAST mem, if the player supports this. Changed FTM player to make use of this feature. Fixed some Arexx commands and add one status. Added volume boost for 14Bit-NotePlayer. Not released. V2.04 Changed the random generation routine. Changed program window resizing code. The new code now uses IDCMP_NEWSIZE messages. This is because many patches don't pass IDCMP_SIZEVERIFY messages (e.g. XSize). Improved quality (reduced noise) of ModSave-NotePlayer and 32Voice-NotePlayerPlus. Added MultiTracker and TakeTracker players. Not released. V2.03 Made program window sizable. Fixed some Noteplayers (32Voice). Removed some misspellings from the docs. Changed Timeout handling to old behaviour. Added Actionamics player. Decrunch Genie now supports a match pattern. Not released. V2.02 Fixed some bugs in the ToolType parsing. Fixed some other minor bugs. Added VectorDean player. Fixed broken noteplayer interfaceing of the RIFF-WAV player. Fixed speed problem in OctaMED player. Fixed songend problem of internal ProTacker player. Replaced AudioDev-NotePlayer with Paula-NotePlayer. Not released. V2.01 Removed a "beta" requester from the internal AudioDevice-Noteplayer. Removed "MoA" from the distribution disk. This version was buggy. V2.0 Introduced a new concept called "Genies". This was the biggest part and a main reason for advancing to version number 2. Wrote Noteplayer Genies, Decrunch Genie, Scope Genies. The 'Deli-Wizzard' Converter genie was written by Nicolas Franck (Author of the famous Pro-Wizard). Completely revised documentation. Adapted some player to work with the new Noteplayer interface. (Oktalyzer, OctaMED, Kris, Jamcracker, PT/NT/ST, FastTracker) Improved player handling this includes support for swapable and asynchronus players. Fixed several bugs and problems (8-/. Improved some players (e.g Sonic Arranger Player now supports PC-relative modules, too). Greatly improved the IFF-8SVX player to load samples while playing. Added new players (like RIFF-WAV Player for MS-DOS samples). The GUI was completely redesigend and improved. Foldable main window. Now the comment can be set/shown within DeliTracker. The old prefs window was split into 2 seperate windows: An option window and a player window. Added a edit (program) window for modulelists. Make use of shortcuts where ever possible. Installation is done with the Commodore Installer. Changed Startup Code to work with ReadArgs() and FindToolType. DeliTracker can load an unlimited number of players and genies now. Added 'Appicon and 'Random Song'. Interrupt generating is now done with the timer.device instead of occuping a precious CIA. Make use of V39 functions where applicable (Menus, BusyPointer, Lowmem-Handler...). The prefs file format changed. Configurations are now saved to a configuration directory instead of wasting precious ram in ENV:. Modulelists are now handled sepaerately. Arexx: Renamed Arexx portname to 'DELITRACKER' Changed stringhandling, quotes are now obsolete Removed some obsolte commands ('OpenPrefsWin',...) Renamed/Changed some commands ('Random' to 'RandomMod') Added new commands (ShowGUI,...) Due to the much increased functionality the size grow up to 80k. BTW. The complete source this release (all players, genies, docs and DeliTracker itself) is currently over 4MB big !!! =========================================================================== V1.37a Fixed a bug in the internal ProTracker player. Changed the DMAwait of several players to use DeliTracker's support function. V1.37 Added dtg_WaitAudioDMA function. Now the ProTracker replayer should have no more problems with the audio dma timing (even on an A4000). DeliTracker can now handle up to 80 players. Changed certain players. V1.36 Changed the dtg_SetTimer function and made it public. Documentation reworked. The player for FTM modules was enhanced (works now with VBR on). V1.35 Added a new tag (DTP_SubSongTest) for the subsong handling. Changed some players to use this tag. Fixed a bug in the refresh routine of the gadgets. It was caused by two exchanged pointers. V1.34 Now finally the menus look (WFLG_NEWLOOKMENUS, GTMN_NewLookMenus) correct under V39. If you open a window it will be opened on the same screen as an already opened window this applies to the requesters, too. V1.33 DeliTracker's AppWindow feature can now handle drawers. If you drop a drawericon the complete directory is scanned and inserted into the module list. The maximum number of listelements was increased to 9999. To give the user a bid more power two ARexx functions for module list manipulation where implemented. A wrong set flag that caused menu shortcuts being ignored under Kickstart V39 was fixed. Changed the meaning of the mainwindow closegadget from Quit to Hide. V1.32 Improved the ramdom routine. The TFMX_Pro and TFMX_7V Players are now aware of 'unpacked' TFMX modules. For all that have lots of songs we have written a ST/NT/PT song player. V1.31 First version that will only run under Kickstart 2.0. The asl.library is used instead of the req.library. Removed a small bug in the gadget refresh routine. Fixed a bug in the timeout function. Some minor improvements in the ProTracker and Mark II players. V1.30 Release Version. All docs were improved, updated and rewritten. This is the first release of DeliTracker that comes without any restrictions. We count on the fairness of the users and hope that they continue to support good software. V1.29 The OS 2.0 version of DeliTracker now is a commodity. This has some advantages for the user i.e Hotkey support. Fixed a small bug in the Arexx status routine. Boolean options now take instead of <0|1> as argument. Due to Dominik's annoying complains we changed the parsing routine to make it more csh-friendly ;-) V1.28 Improved startup code. Changed decrunch support form inbuild code to XPK V2 (XPK V1 had too many bugs). V1.27 Reorganised source code to match our new internal labeling convention. No new functions, but the code was improved. The MED and OktaMED players now support 'MMD1' type modules. V1.26 Some people complaind about the missing menu. For those we re-implemented menus, the menu structure is slighly different to those in V1.16. The 2.x Version of DeliTracker now presents Errormessages with EasyRequestArgs() instead of the req.lib TextRequest(). V1.25 Added pubscreen captability to DeliTracker_2.x. The OS 2.0 version now can be used on any pubscreen and works correct with other default pubscreens than "Workbench". No functional change was made for the OS 1.3 version (DeliTracker_1.3). V1.24 DeliTracker now uses a much faster PowerPacker decrunch code. Made a few internal improvements and some code changes to make the future support of XPK easier. V1.23 Implemented a fadeout mode for smooth transition between modules. Reworked some pices of code to work more efficient. V1.22 Some users complained about the randomplay routine. Now the randomplay routine selects only modules that have not been played (shuffleplay). Added EMS player. In the TFMX players some light bugs where removed. V1.21 DeliTracker resets the LED to the initial state after shutdown. The defaultpath for the configuration file moved from S: to ENV:. All players got a $VER: ID-string. Added several players. V1.20 The old configfiles were replaced by userfriendly, editable ASCII files which may contain modulelists. This and the songend feature forced us to modify the playerinterface. To avoid another change we decided to make our playerinterface Tag-Based (yea!). A patch program was build to update old players and custommodules. A bug in the timerallocation of the internal ProTracker player was fixed. The internal Faster/Slower functions are now only used if the internal interrupt generation is used. Due to the Hardware Reference Manual the volume can range from 0-64 (65 values!), now DeliTracker pays attention to this. Internal work revision ! V1.19 Added Randommode for playing modules in random order. Added support for Songend detection and made this feature available for some players. Added Timeout option for automatical change of modules after a user selectable time. Added Appendmode for selecting modules from different directorys. If the Appwindow feature is used DeliTracker converts the LOCK to a real path. Redesign of the prefswindow to match the new funtionality. Added support for imploder packed modules. A player for Sonic Arranger modules was adapted by the author of this soundsystem. Internal work revision ! V1.18 Added shortcut support for volume and balance. Fixed little bug in the Stringhandling: If you save a configfile after you had selected a module and then removed it from memory, the configfile contained the module name/path. That caused DeliTracker to load this module if this configfile was loaded. Now in this case the module name/path is not set. Internal ST/NT Code completely changed. Now the routine is based on Protracker. This version now should play every SoundTracker like module correct (especially those ProTracker modules that didn't work). Internal Players: Custom, PT, NT, ST15, ST31, StarTrekker w/o AM sounds. Some new players where adapted, too. V1.17 Menus removed, because most users didn't used them anyway. From now, you can use shortcuts for almost every operation. Fixed very small bug in an arexx-routine. Added SIDMon II player. V1.16 Changed the the playerinterface (Now we have one reserved librarybase for future compatibility). Optimisations and bugfixes in the internal stringhandling routines. All Players that use the DeliTracker internal timer interrupt as interrupt source now work well with applications that use the serial.device. The complete color decrunch stuff has been deleted. This has more reasons one of them is that the Mousepointer is set "busy" if DeliTracker is busy Added OktaMED 1.0 player. V1.15 Changed the Playerinterface (hopefully the last time). Bugfix in the callingsequence of external Playerroutines. Other things fixed that could lead to a error. Code cleanup. Added FTM Player First offical demo released. V1.14 Changed Includefile (new functions for external players) Player Config-Routine bugfixed. Internal improvements V1.13 First version for abergläubische Gemüter ;^) Improved ExtLoad() routine. V1.12 Added Rexx 'Eject' function. Little fixes in the internal SoundTracker replay routine (Some trackers save the wrong volume >$40) V1.11 Menu layout is done via ROM-Functions (2.x only). Added $VER: ID-String for 2.x version comand. Made a special demoversion (mainly for Amiga'91) V1.10 The audiochannels are only allocated while a module is loaded. V1.09 Subsongnumber bug fixed. Rework of the external player interface V1.08 Improvements in the Configfile (Subsongnummer). Improvements in some ARexx-Functions (optional Parameters). V1.07 DeliTracker (KS2.x only) is now a AppWindow, that means you can simply drag modules onto the DeliTracker window and then they are played. V1.06 DeliTracker is captable of being a Default-Tool. Codeoptimisations. Implemented Retry-Option when the audiochannels are allocated V1.05 Added Quickstart. Added Colordecrunch. V1.04 Improved external playerinterface (seperate handling of Volume and Balance, configuration for external players). Added some gadgets in the Prefswin. Little optimisations in the main code. New Players: Music-Assembler and MED 3.11 Fixed last Gadgetrefreshbug. V1.03 Rearanging of the Preferences-Window. Bug in the Save-Config routine removed. Total rework of the internal players Bugfixes in The Musical Enlightenment und SoundFX players Gadgetrefresh implemetet properly. Bug that caused 32 Byte not to be freed when quiting fixed. V1.02 Improved ARexx-Interface. New Players: Game Music Creator, SidMon 1.0 and The Musical Enlightenment Added PowerPacker support. V1.01 Added ARexx-Interface. Some new Players : SoundFX and MarkII Bugfixed in the Delete-Playerroutine. Improved startupcode. V1.0 DeliTracker grew up to 60 (!) KB. Removed internal support for unusual players. Therfore a external playerinterface was invented. Added Prefswindow. Added Tooltypesupport. Added Customplayers. New Player: Oktalyzer V0.9 Added resident startup. Added some other players (JamCracker, FutureComposer 1.3&1.4, SoundMon). V0.8 New graphical Userinterface (added Volume/Balance slider) Chaged from VBlank-Interrupt to CIAB-Timerinterrupt From now DeliTracker plays correct on PAL and NTSC. V0.7 Frist approch for an Arexx interface fails. Fixed a bug that caused memoryfragmentation. V0.6 We chaged the name to DeliTracker. Added playroutines for TFMX 1.5. Pathes can be saved into a Configfile. V0.5 First version with a graphical Userinterface. If Errors occour a the reason for the error is printed out. V0.4 Implemented Soundtracker & Pro/Noisetracker. V0.3 Added REQ.library filerequester. V0.2 Added window. Bugfixes in the IRQ-Routine. V0.1 The name of the program was SndPlay. It played only whittaker modules and was only runable from CLI